Coding... by Orion

Who's this Orion guy...

I'm a guy, named Orion. And I code. It's something that I really enjoy. So much so that I do it in my free time after getting done with work, which is also coding. I have a few projects in the works that will one day bring me riches and glory. Actually, probably neither of those, and what's amusing me now is if you remove them from the last sentence my projects will bring me and. I don't know exactly want and is, but now I want to be brought it.

I find humor in most things, many of them only funny to me. So if there is something that doesn't make sense on this site, it's a safe bet it is how it is because it amuses me. Unless it's a bug, in which case I am extra happy because it means I get to figure out how it's happening.

Also, whoever you are, however you got here... how did you get here? Like seriously, I have no idea, as the business cards I have don't include this website. I'm really perplexed. Also, past Orion (the Orion who is writing this) may not even remember this is here. So let me know you found this and we can have a great chat.